Monthly episodes from techlifetoday
The techlifetoday podcast features insight and expertise from NAIT alumni, students and staff. It's the place to “learn and be entertained by people with a passion and purpose inside and outside the classroom.”
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Season 2
Episode 17: Job search tips for new grads in the pandemic

Even in good times, new grads have to hustle to land a job in the workforce. Add in a rocky economy and pandemic and you've got a job market unlike anything we've seen in decades.
In our final episode of the season, Shannon Neighbour (Marketing ’00) of Svensen-Neighbour Recruiting shares tips for producing a resume that dazzles, a Linkedin profile that gets noticed and how to prepare for the new normal: the virtual job interview. She also fields questions submitted by NAIT grads and students.
Episode 16: When disaster strikes

In this special "isolation episode," Josh Bowen, director of NAIT's Centre for Applied Disaster and Emergency Management (CADEM) sheds light on what happens behind the scenes during a disaster response. He also talks about how a global pandemic is unlike any crisis we've faced before, and what we can do to prepare for the next disaster.
Guest host and production: Bryan Alary
Photo: Blaise van Malsen
Episode 15: Following your dreams with Tony Brar of Oilers TV

In this episode, Tony Brar (Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting ’16, Radio and Television ’18) discusses his career journey and pursuit of his dream to become a sports broadcaster. He also shares insight into the Oilers turnaround season and a renewed Battle of Alberta.
Guest host and producer: Bryan Alary
Artwork: Andy Oviatt
Production: Jesse Ambrock
Episode 14: Simple ways for families to enjoy recreation – from sports to leisure

In this episode, guest host Bekki Hall (Radio and Television – Television ’07) sits down with Justin Cross (Personal Fitness Trainer ’12) and NAIT student recreation coordinator Curtis Dell to discuss ways families can enjoy recreation together – in all its forms, from sports and physical exercise to leisure activities.
Guest host: Bekki Hall
Producers: Liz Pittman, Bryan Alary, Bekki Hall
Artwork: Rory Lee
Production: Jesse Ambrock
Episode 13: Food security in Edmonton

Do we need to pay greater attention to our access to food and our food security? Liz chats with instructor Jocelyn Crocker, an avid environmental steward and sustainable citizen, about the often overlooked issue of food security and resilience and what we as consumers can do about it.
Host: Liz Pittman
Producers: Scott Messenger, Liz Pittman
Artwork: Dru Davids
Production: Matt Matyszczuk
Episode 12: How to navigate change at work

In a world that’s changing at a rapid pace, how do we create workplace cultures that embrace, support, and drive change and transformation? Liz chats with NAIT staffers David McDine, director of strategic initiatives, and Michael Haworth, an organizational development consultant, about how to deal with change as an employee and a leader.
Host: Liz Pittman
Producers: Katie McLaughlin, Liz Pittman
Artwork: Rory Lee
Production: Matt Matyszczuk
Episode 11: How to choose a post-secondary program for a rewarding career

Liz chats with NAIT career advisor Kristina Lysova and alum Greg Gulash (Accounting '10, Bachelor of Business Administration '13 Personal Fitness Trainer ' 16) about how to find your career fit. They talk about questions to ask when considering post-secondary programs, people to turn to, what kind of research you should do and where to go for support.
Host: Liz Pittman
Producers: Liz Pittman, Bryan Alary
Artwork: Andy Oviatt
Production: Matt Matyszczuk
Episode 10: Overcoming stigma and opening up about student mental health

Liz sits down with clinical psychologist Dr. Tanya Spencer, who leads counselling services at NAIT, and current Marketing student Rebecca Han, who is the president of the NAIT chapter of mental health group
They discuss some of the reasons why mental health is such a major issue for students today and what we as a community can do to support a friend, a loved one, a classmate or a student in need of help.
Host: Liz Pittman
Producers: Bryan Alary, Liz Pittman
Artwork: Tracy Niven
Production: Matt Matyszczuk
Season 1
Episode 9: Pride in Edmonton and how to be a LGBTQ ally
In our final episode of the season, Liz sits down with Tim Ira, NAIT’s student diversity and inclusion coordinator, and Marni Panas (Management ’91, Computer Systems Technology ’02), an activist for transgender rights. They talk about five years of pride at NAIT, the future of the Edmonton Pride Festival, what being an ally means and how privilege can get in the way.
Episode 8: Gender equality in the workplace
Liz sits down with Max Frank, director of the Mawji Centre for New Venture and Student Entrepreneurship at NAIT, and Lorna Mutegyeki, founder of the ethical fashion line Msichana. They share perspectives on gender equality in the business world, what they wish they knew when starting out, and how we can all strive to do better.
Episode 7: Conserving energy and saving money with LED lights
Liz chats with Bill Leuang (Alternative Energy Technology '15), of InnovaLED about the impact of switching from incandescent to LED lights and other small home projects that can help conserve energy and save money.
Episode 6: Putting your best foot forward in the job search
Liz sits down with NAIT grad Shannon Neighbour (Marketing ’00), of Edmonton’s Svensen Neigbour Recruiting. She’s also the chair of NAIT’s alumni association advisory committee. She offers valuable LinkedIn and networking tips, advice on the art of the follow up, and sheds light on how much stock to put into a cover letter.
Episode 5: Busting nutrition myths
Liz chats with NAIT's registered dietitian, Nick Creelman, to discuss Canada's Food Guide, plant-based proteins, cutting out fat or carbs, and crazy food trends. (Since recording this conversation, Ottawa has overhauled Canada's Food Guide! Find it here).
Episode 4: Protect yourself from online fraud and attacks
In this episode, Liz sits down with Bud Venne (’86 Electronics Engineering Technology), the manager of cyber risk and security with the Edmonton Police Service. He'll offer some valuable tips for keeping your information safe on computers and devices.
Episode 3: Exploring the Cree language
In this episode, Liz sits down with Derek Thunder and Dawn Lameman from NAIT’s Nîsôhkamâtotân Centre. They’ll explain what Nîsôhkamâtotân means, their personal connection to Cree, and how they’re empowering others to learn it. Liz will get a language lesson as well.
Episode 2: Helping veterans in need
In the second episode, Liz sits down with Christine Bannerman, NAIT’s Health Services supervisor and a lead with the local chapter of Veterans Emergency Transition Services. VETS Canada is a not-for-profit dedicated to identifying and supporting veterans in need. The group helps vets find employment and housing, gets them food or gas cards and connects them with mental health supports and other benefits.
Christine herself is a veteran (she spent 27 years as a military nurse with the Canadian Forces) and shares her passion for supporting those who have served.
Episode 1: Lessons from around the globe
In our inaugural episode, Liz chats with Terri Flanagan, NAIT’s director of international administration, and international student Bevil Fernandes, who is working to complete is Bachelor of Business Administration – Accounting. They’ve both logged countless miles around the globe and have gained valuable perspectives about people and places from their time abroad.
They’ll discuss how to navigate life as an international student, their favourite places, advice for travellers, and how embracing new cultures and challenging ourselves to look at the world around us can lead to more understanding society.