Download episodes monthly starting Sept. 17
Techlifetoday is launching a new podcast that will showcase the passion, knowledge and perspectives of NAIT alumni, students and staff.
The techlifetoday podcast debuts Sept. 17 with the first of nine episodes that will publish monthly until May. Hosted by techlifetoday contributor Liz Pittman, the podcast promises to be a place to “learn and be entertained by people with a passion and purpose inside and outside the classroom.”
“Podcasts are growing in popularity so much, and we have so many stories to tell here at NAIT, this is a cool way to be able to feature more people on a new and different channel,” says Pittman.
Episodes feature NAIT alumni, students and staff and focus on a variety of topics, from lessons learned through travel and international studies to nutrition, job hunting, cyber security and how to be an LGBTQ ally.
Fun, accessible way to tell stories
Since its launch in 2016, techlifetoday has introduced readers to some remarkable people: innovators, entrepreneurs, famous chefs, human rights advocates, community builders. And the stories have taken just about every form ‒ longform features, video, photo essays, news articles and how-to listicles.
Podcasts are another form of storytelling that’s fun and accessible, says Pittman.
“Twenty minutes in your car or on the bus and you’ve heard a story about someone who’s connected to NAIT,” she says.
“We have some really interesting people with some fascinating stories to tell.”
Pittman, NAIT’s social media specialist and a former broadcast journalist, is a huge podcast fan herself ‒ “I don’t have enough room on my phone for the amount I download” ‒ and embraced the opportunity to create something new and different.
The techlifetoday podcast has a distinct NAIT connection, but episode topics are of broad enough interest for anyone to enjoy, she says.
“We have some really interesting people with some fascinating stories to tell. The episodes are fairly short ‒ they’re 10 to 20 minutes long ‒ but I could have talked to many of the people for much, much longer than that.”
Her favourite? October’s episode, which features former military nurse Christine Bannerman, who now works for NAIT Health Services. Bannerman volunteers with a local organization that helps veterans who’ve fallen through the cracks, and in some cases are battling addiction or homelessness.
“I found her story really inspiring,” she says. “The whole process has been a lot of fun. It’s also been a lot of work, but so rewarding to be able to chat with the people I have.”
Listeners can download episodes from iTunes or Google Play or listen here at or on SoundCloud.